“The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You realize that you control your own destiny”
Individual therapy is recommended to the clients who are experiencing psychological distress, symptoms of any mental disorder or are looking to grow personally.
Anxiety is a normal body reaction to the stress. It is related to unknown situations and fear. Anxiety can be felt differently by each individual; it can be as a mild urgency to act and restlessness (for example, difficulty to sit down on the coach and watch TV) or it can be felt as a being out of control (for example, waiting for the results of exam to arrive). The most common physiological symptoms of anxiety are increased heart rate, shallow breathing, restlessness, inability to concentrate and difficulty sleeping.
Anxiety might be a key symptom of other disorders: such as panic attack disorder, phobias, social anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, separation anxiety, hypochondria or PTSD.
Most people believe that anxiety attack and panic attack is the same. They do share similar physiological symptoms but the intensity and triggers are different. In anxiety attack there is usually an identified trigger lingering around while panic attack comes out of blue or right before the stressful event. Anxiety in general can be in the background of day-to-day life while panic attacks are disrupting and intense physiological reaction of flight-fight-freeze. For example, presentation in the meeting. When you know that tomorrow is your presentation day you start worrying, fear of failing kicks in, but you still functioning ok. When you stand on the stage for your presentation you might have a panic attack –you cannot remember words, hard to breath, heart beat increases, you have perspirations and feeling you are about to die.
Medication and therapy.
Stop and breath (inhale as much as possible – hold a second – slowly exhale as much as possible).
Depression is more than constant feeling sad or blue. Major depressive disorder (Depression) is characterized by persistent low mood, hopelessness and worthlessness. The main symptoms for depression in 2week period: feeling sad most of the day; loss or increase of appetite; sleeplessness or oversleeping; loss of interest in daily activities; fatigue or lack of energy; feeling worthless or self-blame; lack of concentration and indecisiveness; slow thinking or movement; suicidal thoughts.
Men, women and children can experience different symptoms.
Mothers usually develops postnatal depression within few weeks after delivery. It can be long lasting experience. The symptoms vary person to person: feeling sad and crying sometimes without reason; cannot sleep even though exhausted; sleeping too much; eating more than needed or not eating at all; mood changes; anxiety and irritability; feeling disconnected from a baby; not experiencing joy about the baby and feeling guilty because of that; believing being a bad mother.
Depression could comorbid or be a symptom of other disorders such as Bipolar (depression and manic episodes).
Talk to your GP so they can conduct physical examination first.
Medication and therapy.
Self-care – eat healthy, exercise, relax outside, drink enough of water and develop healthy sleeping routine.
PTSD is an anxiety disorder that result from traumatic event, such as car accident or physical/sexual abuse. Main symptoms include 1. Intrusions: flashbacks, nightmares or vivid memories of the event. 2. Avoidance: avoiding people – for example crowded places; avoiding activities – for example driving; avoiding thinking about it – being preoccupied with other activities. 3. Arousal and reactivity: trouble concentrating, hypervigilance, feeling on the edge or anger outburst. 4. Cognition and mood changes: negative self believe or believe about life; feeling of guilt, blame or worry; lack of interest in activities enjoyed in the past.
In addition to PTSD you might experience anxiety and depression.
Complex trauma shares the same symptoms as PTDS along with: explosive anger or ongoing sadness; forgetting parts of the trauma or detaching from emotions or body; negative self perception and difficulty in building and sustaining healthy relationships. Long term trauma is the main reason for Complex trauma development, for example ongoing physical/emotional/sexual abuse; being a prisoner in war; living in a war conditions; ongoing childhood neglect.
Medication, therapy and EMDR.
In Covid most of people felt what isolation and loneliness feels. According to APS, “loneliness is a negative feeling that a person can experience when their social relations are not the way they would like”. Research revealed that one in four Australians feel lonely (since Coronavirus 1 in 2 Australians feel more lonely), many young Australians report feeling anxious about socializing, 30% do not feel part of the group of friends and lonely Australians have worse physical and mental health.
Sometimes loneliness can be experienced even when we are surrounded by people; and sometimes you can be alone but do not feel lonely. Social connection is the key to overcome loneliness. Psychologists can assist to overcover social anxiety, learn the strategies to increase friends network and/or address any barriers that prevent people from developing social connections.
Group sessions and individual therapy.
Give a call to an old friend without overthink – just pick up the phone and call.
Weight management is not only physical activity and body building. It also incorporates psychological aspects of losing or gaining weight.
Psychology in weight management helps to look into reasons for weight gain or loss, change mindset around eating, exercising and body image, improve motivation and self-awareness.
Often weight management challenges contribute or is a part of eating disorders.
Eating disorders are more than just eating or restricting food. They are complex mental health disorders which require medical and psychological interventions. They usually start with obsession about food, body weight and shape. In severe cases, eating disorder could be fatal if untreated. There are different types of eating disorders but almost all are about restricting food, overeating and purging like over-exercising or vomiting.
Anorexia nervosa – the disorder which is the most well-known disorder when people limit food intake or compensate it by purging (exercising, fasting, using diuretics, taking laxatives or vomiting). People with anorexia have a severe fear to gain weight even when they are severely underweight.
Bulimia nervosa – people are eating large amount of food in a short period of time and then purge (vomiting, exercising, fasting). They fear to gain weight even when they are at normal weight.
Binge eating – most common eating disorder which is diagnosed when person often consumes large amounts of food In a short period of time and feels out of control during binge eating episode. Feels shame, guilty and disgust when thinking about binge eating but do not use any compensatory behaviours (exercising, vomiting and others).
Other eating disorders: pica – eating things that are not considered food; rumination – regurgitates food which has previously been chewed or swallowed; avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder – undereating due to lack of interest in food; purging disorder – purging to control weight but no binge; night eating disorder – excessive eating after awakening from sleep; other specified feeding or eating disorder (OSFED) for example orthorexia – obsessive focus on healthy eating to the extend that it affects person’s life.
Medical review by physicians and therapy.
All addictions are sharing similar mechanism of development and maintenance of disorder. Addiction is believed to be a dysfunction of the brain system that involves reward and memory. It is when your body craves a substance or behaviour, which are usually pleasurably rewarded without significant consequences. Some people experiencing addiction reports: being unable to stop behaviors, lack of self-control, increased desire for the substance or repetitive behaviors, lack of emotional response.
Gambling addiction becomes a disorder when it significantly impacts persons life and causes distress. It also has symptoms such as need to gamble with increased amount of money to achieve the same excitement; feeling restless and irritable when trying to cut down gambling; person had many unsuccessful attempts to stop or cut down gambling; preoccupied with gambling; often gambles when distress, anxious or guilty; returns to get even after loosing money; lies to conceal the extend of gambling; jeopardizes or has lost significant relationships, career opportunities or education because of gambling; relies on others to assist with financial hardship due to gambling.
Inpatient rehabilitation programs, Outpatient rehabilitation programs, Support groups, Therapy and Life style changes.
Observe your behavior in regards of addiction and try notice patterns.
All addictions are sharing similar mechanism of development and maintenance of disorder. Addiction is believed to be a dysfunction of the brain system that involves reward and memory. It is when your body craves a substance or behaviour, which are usually pleasurably rewarded without significant consequences. Some people experiencing addiction reports: being unable to stop behaviors, lack of self-control, increased desire for the substance or repetitive behaviors, lack of emotional response.
Sex addiction has been excluded from the latest Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM5) however many of clients are coming with the presentation and struggle of sex related behaviours. The symptoms are still very noticeable and present which includes: compulsive relations with multiple partners, including strangers; obsessive sexual thoughts and fantasies; preoccupation with having sex even when it interferes with daily life; lying to cover behaviours; inability to stop behaviours; putting oneself and others in danger due to sexual behavior; feeling remorse and guilt after having sex; experiencing other negative professional and personal consequences.
Phonography addiction is not an official mental disorder or addiction but is shares similar symptoms and development mechanisms as sex addiction.
Support groups, Therapy and Life style changes.
Observe your behavior in regards of addiction and try notice patterns.
All addictions are sharing similar mechanism of development and maintenance of disorder. Addiction is believed to be a dysfunction of the brain system that involves reward and memory. It is when your body craves a substance or behaviour, which are usually pleasurably rewarded without significant consequences. Some people experiencing addiction reports: being unable to stop behaviors, lack of self-control, increased desire for the substance or repetitive behaviors, lack of emotional response.
Illicit drug addiction is a part of Substance Use Disorders which includes overuse and addiction to caffeine, alcohol, cannabis, hallucinogens, inhalants, opioids, sedatives, stimulants, tobacco and other unknown substances.
To be diagnosed with Substance Use Disorders you: use drug in large amounts or for longer periods of time than intended; develop tolerance; feel withdrawal; had unsuccessful efforts to stop or cut down; have intense desire/ urge – craving; excessive time using or thinking about drug; failing to fulfil major obligations; continue using despite problems it causes.
Inpatient rehabilitation programs, Outpatient rehabilitation programs, Support groups, Medication (drug addiction), Therapy and Life style changes.
Observe your behavior in regards of addiction and try notice patterns
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Individual and couple sessions last 50-60min.
Unfortunately, you can only claim from one or the other; i.e. either Medicare or Private health insurance.
It is highly recommended that you concentrate on each other and your relationship in the couples therapy. In most cases, it is very difficult to do so when children are around.
We are aiming to fit your appointment as soon as possible, however in most cases we cannot book you in on the same day or provide urgent support for the acute crisis. If you are in crisis please call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Beyond Blue on 1300 224 636. Should you or anyone you know is in danger please call 000.
We’re here to answer any questions you have. Please get in touch.